Thursday, February 17, 2011

Serbia Avala Tower ceremony

Unveiling ceremony of the renovated Avala Tower on April 21, 2010, near Belgrade, Serbia. Work on the restoration of the television transmitter began in 2005. while the transmitter and the surrounding structures were destroyed in NATO's attacks on Serbia in 1999. The tower was a 202.87 meter (666 ft) tall and has been re-built so that it looks exactly the same as before, being just two meters higher and slightly different color. As of 2001, it is the third tallest building ever destroyed (behind the two World Trade towers). Credit Image: © Sasha Colic/ZUMA Press


  1. hehhee, ovo redovno vidjam i muka mi vise od tog prizora... super blog

  2. Scena je bila skoro pa epska, kao poradjanje. Feng shui aplikacija na dupetu ima socioloski aspekt koji dodatno artikulise celinu. A gde to redovno vidjas, ja sam sanjao o ovakvim satiricnim fotkama, opet desilo se kad se najmanje nadas !?
