Thursday, July 14, 2011

Marking third anniversary of the Serbian Government

Belgrade, July 7th, 2011.-
 This week was, at least for the Serbian Government, marked by number 3 – the Government marked three years since the establishment and three months after the reconstruction. Many analysts and representatives of opposition parties expressed their impressions and comments about the Government’s work and there is almost no segment that was not criticized. However, the final word was given by Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic at the formal session, stating that despite the global economic crisis, the Government has achieved certain results. By that, he meant, above all, the fight against organized crime, the successful continuation of European integration, stopped recognition of Kosovo's independence and commencement of a dialogue with Pristina, professionalization of the Army, promotion of the cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. And the Government’s resolve to show that its work is good and transparent is shown by the fact that it decided that the future directors of public companies are to be elected in public competition.

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